Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday October 28, 2014

Dear Arlo Guthrie,

Hey, how have you been?  As usual I have been busy.  Life is so crazy, I have always known this, and yet somehow I am still so surprised at the twist and turns that are thrown at me because of life being crazy.

Within the next month or so I plan to begin writing you on a regular basis again.  That way I am not just rambling on about irregular events that seem unconnected.  

Until then I will tell you about my son.  He just turned 3 two days ago and started Pre K today.  I didn't realize how hard it was going to be to let him go to school.  I am so use to seeing him through out the day so him not being there today felt strange.  I was told by many parents that I would be glad for the alone time but I really am not seeing this.  I like my son being there.  I miss him when he isn't.  Luckily he will only attend two days a week.

That being said I have to go now.  Sorry for the short letter.  Hope you have been doing okay.

Sincerely Your Fan,

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 10. 2014

Dear Arlo Guthrie, 

Please forgive the time gap between this letter and the last.  Though I don't like to offer excuses it seems to be all I do.  Honestly, I haven't wrote because I can't sit still.  I have been all over the place.  Everywhere a days trip will allow.  I have been all through the North Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee mountains.  I find myself needing to go to  the store and ending up miles away from destination.  I guess my point is I'm sorry I haven't wrote.  I have thought about writing just haven't sat down long enough to act upon it.

How have you been?  Hopefully well.  What all have you been doing.  I try to look at updates on your pages when I'm on Facebook.  I've even been a little less on Facebook though.  

I've been having something bother me today though.  I know it is common for someone to be friends(acquaintances)  and somehow fade away throughout he years.  

Well, you see I have this one friend, at least someone I always considered one no matter where they were, who just this past year I got in touch with.  Then one day, they deleted me off their Facebook.  When I asked if I had done something they told me no just, "they normally have good judge in character and doesn't think we should be any more than knowing each other."  

Normally, things like this wouldn't bother me.  However, it did.  Even a few months later it still bothers me.  I constantly wish them goodwill.  I guess we never really talked anyways but that is fault on my part.  

You see I've been told I haven't changed a bit over the years by most people and a few I have changed for the best, I guess it bothered me to hear from someone I silently cared a lot about judge me so harshly when they didn't even see me or talk to me to know who I am anymore.  

And again the lack of talking is probably on my part because in person I'm kinda socially awkward.  Even not on person I am.  I guess I shouldn't let this bother me however I always thought very highly of this person and I can't help but care.  

Anyways, I guess I will be off now.  I'm truly sorry for the delay though.  I will try to write to you no matter where I am from now on.

Sincerely your fan,

P.S.  Please also excuse any grammatical mistakes because I didn't proof read this letter.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

July 10, 2014

Dear Arlo, 

I have a lot of catching up to do.  Until then I really wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday.  

Sincerely Your Fan, 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday May 23, 2014

Dear Arlo,
I just saw online how tonight through Sunday you will be playing at the old church.  I really wish I could go.  At one point in my life I probably would have.  I would have packed up a tent, covers, ect. and jumped in the car with the little money I had and rode.  If worse came to worse I never minded sleeping in the car.  The thing is my son is more important to me than myself.  I can't just use the power bill to ride up states because my little boy means so much to me.  Before him, I never thought anyone could keep me in one place.  Especially this place.  Fighting the urge to ride off is only easy when I think of him.  When I go he comes with me.  If I can't afford it I stay with him.  I am truly sorry I have to miss it, though.  My little boy can't talk much but he loves to ride and loves music too so he would have loved it.  I hope one day to hear you play in person.  In the meantime, hope you have a great next few nights,

Sincerely your fan,

Thursday, February 13, 2014

February 13, 2014

Dear Arlo, 

Snow is absolutely everywhere.  It is so great.  The thing that makes it so great is at most we might normally get 1/2 an inch a year.  Not this year though.  This year we got over 6 inches.  I would say at least a foot.  To me, I am in a winter wonderland.  It is fantastic.  

So how have you been?  I hope good.  Me?  I can't complain.  Until the snow I had been keeping the open road company.  I guess it is nice to sit still awhile.  I didn't realize how tired I had become from riding so much.  It is amazing how you wake up one day and your house looks so foreign to you even though you come back and sleep in it every night.  Last night I even took the time to read a book.  

I have to be honest though, despite my enjoying the snow I am very ready for spring.  My tent is dying to be pitched somewhere on the blue ridge parkway.  The sunrise, some coffee, notebook and pen, while sitting on the side of a mountain listening to good music sounds exhilarating.

I will write to you sooner rather than later. I hope you have a great day.  

Sincerely your fan,

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

January 29, 2014

Dear Arlo, 

I know you have heard this a lot here lately but I am sorry for your loss.  I just wanted to give you my respect.  

I hope you have a great day,
Your fan,

Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13, 2014

Dear Arlo,

Today I don't feel like traveling.  One of these sound days come every once in a while in my life.  

This is one of those sit on the porch watching the sunrise days.  I wish it was warmer because right now I would like to be out in my garden with the sun heating my skin.  Hands in warm soil planting seasonal plants.  Maybe a cold glass of lemonade even.  I've been drinking hot tea all winter, cold sweet tea sounds inviting.  By the time Spring sets in I'm sure I will be wishing I was on the road again.  Hopefully I can quit be restless long enough to take it in.

Sincerely Your Fan,

Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6, 2014

Dear Arlo,

This is kind of in response to your Facebook post today of about 8:40ish.  Give and take how accurate 3 hours ago is.

Do you know I have never left the United States. Ever. And as far as a life on the road, it sounds amazing. As you have read in past letters my mind is always on the road. I find it so wonderful finding new places and new things. New faces are great. I too have met what I would call some extraordinary people. My notebook has barley began so I remember them more often than for conversations sake though.  I hopefully have many more blank pages for what's in front of me.

I would say most people's of me are of the same person who just learned a little more through the years.  Some old friends have told me I am the, "same old Brittani" despite how life is sometimes, that I am optimistic and make them smile.  Others have told me I am different, but in a good way, not bad. I guess I have to minutes to acquire many compliments throughout my life. Along with many insults. My main goal is to not wake up bitter one day. I understand people struggle but I believe it hurts them even more to become bitter instead of being content.  

I hope you are having a happy New Year's. I am sure I will write again soon.

Sincerely Your Fan, 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

January 5, 2014

Dear Arlo,
Have you ever saw people become consumed by the world.  Broken and beaten down so much you can barley recognize them?  Like they were once someone else even though they are the same person? The same ones who would rather help themselves or die trying? The ones you can't help but to feel a little sad? The same ones you use call friend? 

Have you ever wondered where the years went? When did they begin to fall? Where you there, did you walk away, or did they? Or did you both take a walk one day and divide at a crossroads, meaning to join at the next intersection but so caught up in the music playing you missed each other? And Can two total strangers connect all over again?

Did you ever just want to get in your car and ride? I into you were too tired to keep going? Until you found somewhere new? And did every new place feel the same just with new faces? Or are new places filled with new dreams?

If dreams come true why do we sleep them away? Are we just too exhausted to participate in our own lives or is sleeping easier than trying?

I think we all have rose-colored glasses, it is just only some who can stand to get pricked by the thorns long enough to file them down. I believe the pain is worth the trade though. Smiling is better than hanging your entire life over.

Sincerely your fan,