Snow is absolutely everywhere. It is so great. The thing that makes it so great is at most we might normally get 1/2 an inch a year. Not this year though. This year we got over 6 inches. I would say at least a foot. To me, I am in a winter wonderland. It is fantastic.
So how have you been? I hope good. Me? I can't complain. Until the snow I had been keeping the open road company. I guess it is nice to sit still awhile. I didn't realize how tired I had become from riding so much. It is amazing how you wake up one day and your house looks so foreign to you even though you come back and sleep in it every night. Last night I even took the time to read a book.
I have to be honest though, despite my enjoying the snow I am very ready for spring. My tent is dying to be pitched somewhere on the blue ridge parkway. The sunrise, some coffee, notebook and pen, while sitting on the side of a mountain listening to good music sounds exhilarating.
I will write to you sooner rather than later. I hope you have a great day.
Sincerely your fan,