Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday May 23, 2014

Dear Arlo,
I just saw online how tonight through Sunday you will be playing at the old church.  I really wish I could go.  At one point in my life I probably would have.  I would have packed up a tent, covers, ect. and jumped in the car with the little money I had and rode.  If worse came to worse I never minded sleeping in the car.  The thing is my son is more important to me than myself.  I can't just use the power bill to ride up states because my little boy means so much to me.  Before him, I never thought anyone could keep me in one place.  Especially this place.  Fighting the urge to ride off is only easy when I think of him.  When I go he comes with me.  If I can't afford it I stay with him.  I am truly sorry I have to miss it, though.  My little boy can't talk much but he loves to ride and loves music too so he would have loved it.  I hope one day to hear you play in person.  In the meantime, hope you have a great next few nights,

Sincerely your fan,