Dear Arlo Guthrie,
Hey, how have you been? As usual I have been busy. Life is so crazy, I have always known this, and yet somehow I am still so surprised at the twist and turns that are thrown at me because of life being crazy.
Within the next month or so I plan to begin writing you on a regular basis again. That way I am not just rambling on about irregular events that seem unconnected.
Until then I will tell you about my son. He just turned 3 two days ago and started Pre K today. I didn't realize how hard it was going to be to let him go to school. I am so use to seeing him through out the day so him not being there today felt strange. I was told by many parents that I would be glad for the alone time but I really am not seeing this. I like my son being there. I miss him when he isn't. Luckily he will only attend two days a week.
That being said I have to go now. Sorry for the short letter. Hope you have been doing okay.
Sincerely Your Fan,