Hey. It's been a while since I have wrote to you. Happy Thanksgiving! I know today has probably been busy for you. It hasn't been for me. I have just been relaxing with my family. Mostly my son and his daddy. My son is so great. This morning he brought leaves inside and got his daddy to put them on top of the fan so we could turn it on and they blow everywhere. He would laugh and smile and say again. It was nice. There is something special about small things people do that stay in your memory, you know? We are all kind of in our own world, and then we have the people we let stay there for a while, and when they leave they never really go. That makes me thankful. People and words and memories. Forgiveness and love. Love being the most I'm thankful for. I couldn't imagine a life without love. Love makes the memories all more special. I think we could all use a little more love.
Sincerely Your Fan,