Wednesday, September 4, 2013

September 4, 2013

Dear Arlo,

Sorry I didn't write to you yesterday.  I was so busy.  By the time I finally got home there was much I wanted to do but all I could seem to do was fall asleep so I finally just went to bed.  I can feel that feeling coming back again too.  It is the want to just jump in my car and leave for a little bit.  In the last letter I talked about the beach but once again all I can think about is the mountains.  I think my next destination will be Asheville.  It has been way too long since I have been there.  Every time I see that add that Asheville is calling you I think, “how did they know.”  

I haven’t been in 3 years.  I start and then always end up somewhere else instead.  Though I always manage to find the most interesting small towns by the time I start to head back towards my destination I am either pushing it for gas or have to be back somewhere here.  Once, I thought about just buying a RV or camper and living on the road.  Everyone seems to think I would get homesick, and maybe I would, but I seem to get road sick more than homesick.  There is something about just leaving in another direction that soothes me.  New people and new things.  Great music on the radio.  I wish I could truly explain it because I am doing a terrible job owning up to the feeling right now.

I have to work again shortly.  My job may set it’s limitations on where I can afford to go and have time to go but I love it.  As crazy as this sounds.  I am a cashier.  Which I have found out most people are not too crazy about.  I don’t really mind it though.  I get to talk to new people everyday and most of them are interesting.  Some are rude but I mostly ignore them.  Almost everyone has great stories though.  I have meet people who are just extraordinary.  I don’t see it so much as a job when I am checking people out because the experience of people is wonderful.  On slow days though time just lingers on and I feel so down and like everyone is everywhere but in my small town.  Maybe being a cashier is just my substitute of  riding off somewhere.  I’m not sure.

I could probably sit here and write all day but I have to begin getting ready now.  Until next time.

Still Sincerely,
A Fan

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